Thursday, April 30, 2020

Student Check-in/Drop-off/Clean out Procedures

Beginning Monday May 4 students who have completed their 4th quarter work can make arrangements to check in books and school materials and pick up their school locker/locker room items.

Student Devices (Ipads/laptops) will not be returned at this time- that will happen later in the summer once we know about summer school and Fall start date.

Book return and pick up school locker items

1. Call and make an appointment with the office.
2. Student will be met at the door and will not enter the building.
3. Have the items you are checking in enclosed in a plastic bag with your name on the outside.
4. You will be handed the plastic bag with your school locker items.

Locker room locker procedures:

1. Students will be allowed to enter the building one at a time to clean out their locker room lockers.
2. A Supervisor will need to screen the students when entering the building
            Screening questions include:
                        Do you have a fever or respiratory illness symptoms of COVID-19?
                        Have you traveled to areas affected by the COVID-19 virus within the last 14 days?
                        Have you been in close contact with a person who has been laboratory confirmed
                                     positive with COVID-19?
            Students will be allowed to enter the building if all screening questions are answered with “no.” Students will need to have temperature taken before entering the building and record their
                                           name on school entry check-in form.
3. Keep 6 ft. apart when possible.
4.   All students and faculty will wear masks when they need to be closer than 6 ft.  
5.   Everyone will wash hands each time they enter and leave a classroom or locker room and use hand
                 sanitizer as needed.
6.  All equipment will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes between use.  As much as possible, lab
                equipment will be contained in each group and not passed among groups.