Tuesday, April 14, 2020

School Board Meeting News

April School Board Meeting News

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, April 14, 2020 at
7:30 pm by videoconference.

Superintendent Cerny reported on transportation, Bancroft-Rosalie Coaching assignments for 20-21, and Federal CARES money to the schools.

Principal Sjuts reported on Honor Roll, State Basketball sportsmanship, and e-learning for grades 7-12.

Board action:
- Approved posting the May Board meeting in three public places with notice that the meeting will be held by videoconference.
- Approved a Resolution on Graduation and Grade Advancement.
- Approved the Continuity of Learning Plan.
- Set the Seniors last day as May 7, and the last student day as May 15.
- Approved up to $500 for staff recognition awards.
- Approved the purchase of two used ride-on scrubbers for $4500.
- Approved the device replacement plan for 2020-21;
- Approved the contract for Kyle Elsasser.
- Accepted the resignation of Shelby Ostrand effective May 22 with regrets.

Board discussion:
- Reviewed the Buildings and Grounds Plan for summer 2020.
- Discussed the purchase of lots #11-12 next to the school from Galen Petersen.

Dr. Cerny’s statement on Graduation
A virtual ceremony will be held May 15 at 6:30 pm.
A traditional ceremony will be scheduled in July, date to be decided in consultation with Senior parents.

Dr. Cerny’s statement on second semester grades
The goal is that E-learning moves instruction forward in grades 7-12 and covers essential state standards in grades K-6.
Secondary students- Grades for 3rd quarter and 4th quarter will be calculated separately, and each quarter will be worth 2.5 credits. No semester grades for second semester. Students not meeting course requirements at the end of the school year will be given an incomplete for the course and given until August 17 to complete the work and receive credit for the class.
Elementary students- Instructional groups will start in the Fall where they left off in March.