Thursday, April 2, 2020

Cuming County Resident Survey Press Release

The Cuming County Supervisors have decided to continue the updating process to the planning and zoning documents of Cuming County.

The Supervisors have contracted with Keith Marvin AICP of Marvin Planning Consultants to complete an update to the County’s Comprehensive Plan.

As part of the process, MPC and the County are looking for the input from ALL residents of Cuming County; this includes not just those in the rural areas but those living within any of the communities of Cuming County.

It is important for residents to take the time to fill out the survey. During this time, with the COVID-19 restrictions, it may be difficult to pick up a hard copy of the survey. If you contact Becky at the Zoning Office in the courthouse, 402-372-6008,  an attempt to get you a hardcopy will be made.

This process will be going on during 2020 and will be wrapping up towards the end of the year.

You may go to and click on Government - it will be scrolling across the top.

Below is a link to the survey and an attachment with a QR Code.