Tuesday, November 12, 2013

School Board meeting summary

The November meeting of the Bancroft-Rosalie School Board was held Monday, November 11, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. Dr. Cerny presented: the October transportation report; District tax history; and State School Board Conference.

In old business the board took no action on the Nebraska Whole Child Project membership agreement. There was discussion on the possibility of establishing bus pick-up points for in neighboring communities when there are enough option enrollment students from that community to justify it starting in the 2014-15 school year. The board also discussed the plan for developing the recently purchased lots south of the school for parking and student drop-off and pick-up.

In new business the board reviewed the district multicultural program and the school technology plan. Principal Sjuts presented a preliminary teacher evaluation report. Approval was given to update the school surveillance equipment and add software for keyless entry to the Main entrance door.

The board approved the rental of a skid loader for snow removal from Mel’s Small Engine and voted to continue the current system of signing checks with the addition of following the auditor’s suggestion to also stamp the board president’s name to each check to comply with state statute. The school board will be provided a list of checks that were stamped at the monthly board meetings. The board designated two additional days of school for students in the CNA class to meet the minimum instructional hours required for state certification. Approval was given for the inter-local agreement with ESU #2 for the Data Dashboard pilot school project.

Discussion was held regarding possible talks with Lyons-Decatur School to explore ways the districts can work together. Pat Browning, Scott Hansen and Mike Nottlemann were appointed to a committee to represent the board in any meetings with Lyons-Decatur.

The board went into executive session to discuss teacher negotiations.