Friday, September 20, 2013

State Graduation Requirements

Effective for 2014-15, Nebraska public schools must require 4 years (40 credits) of Language Arts, 3 Years (30 credits) of Math, 3 years (30 credits) of social studies, and 3 years (30 credits) of science

Bancroft-Rosalie has required this for over 25 years, so no changes will be needed.

The Pledge of Allegiance- Each public school must establish a time during the school day when a majority of students are scheduled to be present, during which pupils will be led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the presence of the flag of the United States of America in grades kindergarten through twelve. Pupil participation is voluntary.

B-R has students lead the Pledge over the school intercom at 8:15 am before daily announcements are read.