Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Option Enrollment Transportation

Because of increased district valuation, state aid to Bancroft-Rosalie School has decreased significantly. There are a few things schools can do to increase state aid, and one is to increase their net option funding. The state pays approximately $9000 for each net option student. Net option students are when we have more option students coming in than going out. Right now our net option number is +20, which is about $180,000. We have had some students cancel their option and return to their resident school because of transportation problems. I initiated a conversation with the school board about the idea of providing transportation for option students. They could have designated pick-up points just like Rosalie students. The state reimburses families who qualify for free meals for option enrollment transportation. If the school provides the transportation, the reimbursement goes to the school. The transportation could possibly pay for itself. I have talked with two schools that transport option students- West Point Beemer and North Bend. They both consider the number of students needing transportation from a pick-up point when deciding whether or not to send a small bus or van. West Point-Beemer will transport when there are four students to be picked up. I would like some parent and community feedback on providing transportation to option students.