Tuesday, November 6, 2012


LB 993 amended the way that excessive absenteeism is to be reported to the County Attorney.  Excessive absenteeism occurs when students miss more than 10 days per semester or 20 days per year.
Students with excessive absences must be reported to the County Attorney unless the following condition is met:

If all absences of a student are excused or due to documented illness that makes attendance impossible or impracticable, then the school may (but is not required to) report matter to county attorney.  
Any letter sent by the school to the County Attorney must include one of the following two statements:
1. School requests more time to work with student;
2. School has used all reasonable efforts & recommends county attorney intervention.

Excused absences:

Nebraska state law requires that every school age child shall be in school each day school is open and in session;  except when:

Illness makes attendance impossible or impracticable;
Severe weather makes attendance impossible or impracticable; 
or Excused by school officials.

There is nothing in the law that allows parents to excuse their own children from school. It has been Bancroft-Rosalie School policy to excuse children from school when parents submit a reasonable written excuse. That does not mean that we will accept unreasonable excuses. 

Why is this such a big deal? The Nebraska Department of Education has been compiling information on individual student performance on state tests and comparing it to that students attendance.
They found that there is a significant decrease in performance on state assessments when students miss more than 10 days of school. And as you would expect, student performance is even lower when students miss more than 20 days of school. 

The expectation is that all students will meet benchmark (pass) the state assessments. In order to do this, students have to take advantage of the learning opportunities by attending school every day possible.