Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Community Betterment Meeting notes

The Bancroft Betterment meeting was held April 5 at 5:00 pm at the Country Pub. There were 26 community members in attendance. Monthly reports were given. The meeting was hosted by Marie Vogt and Marjorie Vogt.

School- Nothing new on the building addition. The school is hosting a Powerdrive meet at the west point fairgrounds April 17.

Village- Plans are underway to repair one of the town water wells. The Village Board will be deciding on a community clean-up day, possibly April 17.

Cuming County Economic Development- Five director candidates were interviewed. The Development Board will meet April 6th to decide on finalists to bring in for a second interview.

Neihardt Center- April 18 at 2:00 pm, singer Tom May. April 24 is the Spring Conference, “Neihardt and the Short Story.”

New Business
1. Community Garage Sale- The date will be Saturday May 22.

2. Benefit for Trenton Schmeckpeper- The Betterment agreed to sponsor the benefit. Marjorie Vogt will contact the family to set a date.

3. Community Theatre- Marie Vogt is the director. The play will be performed October 2-3. The Theatre has received a $300 donation and has requested funds from the Q125. The next planning meeting will be April 27 at 7:00 pm in the school library.

4. Paper drive- Nearly 8,000 pounds of paper was collected.

5. Community planning meetings- being scheduled in May. The first will be on setting a vision for the community. The meetings will be funded with BECA grant funds.

6. Logan Valley Leadership- Amber Bridges attended all nine sessions of the Learning To Lead Program. Housing grant funds are being directed toward Nebraska “certified communities.”

Election of officers
President- Jon Cerny
Vice-President- Marie Vogt
Secretary- Marjorie Vogt

Jennifer Carlson was recognized by the League of Municipalities as the “Clerk of the Year.” She was presented the plaque by Village Board chairman Chuck Muller.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 3 at 5:15 pm at the Country Pub. The host is Steiny’s.