Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April School Board News

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board news

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, April 12, 2010 at 9:00 pm in Bancroft.
Superintendent Cerny reported on teacher budgets for 2010-11, changing the policy on accepting option enrollment waivers for high school during the school year, the Food Bank backpack program, and Meaures of Academic Progress tests.

In old business the board tabled the purchase of a 9 passenger suburban to replace the 15 passenger van and looked at financing options for the school addition.

In new business the board approved five teachers and five aides for Pre-6 summer school in June and reviewed the Special Education and Title I programs. The board also approved the BREA as the exclusive bargaining agent for teachers. In other new business, the board accepted the resignation of James Jordan and approved up to $400 for the annual recognition luncheon and awards.

The board went into executive session to discuss classified staff, teacher negotiations, and coaches for 2010-11. Following executive session, the board voted to approve wage and benefits for classified staff based on the recommendations of Superintendent Cerny and also to approve coaches for football, basketball, and track based on the recommendations from Mr. Hulstein.