Monday, October 12, 2009

Logan Valley Building Entrepreneurial Communities Act Project

The Logan Valley BECA project has a program of activities planned that can benefit community members in all six communities involved in the project. The communities are Bancroft, Rosalie, Pender, Thurston, Lyons and Decatur. The steering committee looked at opportunities to enhance small business, recruitment of new familes to the area and intergenerational development.
The following activities were selected:

1. A series of computer trainings through the University Extension program using a mobile computer lab. Topics to be covered include: e-commerce marketing for high school students, spreadsheet use for agri-business, computer basics, intro to internet, social networking, pod casting, digital photography and web 2.0 for adults.

2. Marketplace registrations for the 2010 conference for youth interested in entrepreneurship.

3. Learning To Lead in Logan Valley, a leadership program available to anyone interested in participating. The program will focus on various stages of leadership development, followed by the implementation of the skills learned to enhance community development.

4. Intergenerational Development will be a program that offers a high school assembly pointing out to students the important role they play within their community , followed by an assembly for all community members focusing on how to communicate with the Millenial Generation.

All of these programs could involve Bancroft-Rosalie students. I hope many of our kids will attend some of the Learning To Lead workshops. Bancroft and Rosalie need to encourage our young people to consider returning to our community after they complete their education. If these activities help them to see how they can be involved and possibly be a future leader, then it will be a worthwhile project.