Friday, September 11, 2009

School response when dealing with sick kids

The Center For Disease Control has released new guidelines for how schools should deal with sick students and staff to reduce the spread of flu. Bancroft-Rosalie School will implement the following procedures when dealing with flu-like symptoms:
1. Students and staff with flu-like illness will be promptly sent home if they have a fever above 100 degrees. The school will take the students temperature via the ear using a ThermoScan.
2. Ill students and staff will be kept separate from well people until they can be sent home. They will be sent to a separate room and will be required to wear a surgical mask and the person who cares for them will also wear a protective mask.
3. Students can return to school after being ill if they have a temperature of less than 100 degrees for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
We wil not be cancelling school for illness.