Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Saxon Math

Students in Math 7 through Geometry will be taught using a new math math series, Saxon Math. Saxon focuses on student mastery of math skills. Each day a new skill is introduced with a few problems requiring the use of those skills. The majority of the class time is spent practicing previously learned skills until they are mastered. The teacher monitors students working and re-teaching when necessary. Mastery tests are given every five lessons.
Saxon course 1 is 7th grade math, course 2 is 8th grade math, course 3 is pre-algebra, then Algebra and Geometry. Seventh grade students have been placed in course 1 or 3 based on results of a placement test given last spring. Eighth grade students placed in course 2 or Algebra. Students that may not have given their best effort in the spring were given a chance to re-take the placement test the week before school started.
Here are the two possible sequences for 7th grade students:
Grade 7- Course 1
Grade 8- Course 2
9th grade- Course 3
10th grade- Algebra
11th grade- Geometry
12th grade- Algebra II
Grade 7- Course 3
Grade 8- Algebra
9th grade- Geometry
10th grade- Algebra II
11th grade- Trigonometry
12th grade- Calculus
Once all students are properly placed in the curriculum, Applied Math I and II will be eliminated. It is a goal that nearly all students will complete Algebra II before graduation, since completion of this course is a good predictor of success in college.