Tuesday, June 9, 2020

School Board Meeting News

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, June 8, 2020 at 7:30 pm in Bancroft.
Superintendent Cerny presented the May transportation report, the results of the Parent Survey on Remote Learning, an update on the Tribal Broadband Project, Closing on the purchase of Lots 11-12 next to the school, and an update on Fridays at Northeast for the Fall.
Principal Sjuts reported on Driver Education, Major and Minor referrals for 2019-20, and BR wins the NSAA Class D Combined Boy/Girl and Boys cup.
The Board of Education thanked Mr. Sjuts for his years of service to the school and enjoyed cake in honor of his retirement.
The following Board Committees will meet in the next month- BRLD Cooperative Board on Tuesday June 9 at 7:00 pm in Bancroft; the P2T Committee on Monday June 15 at 7:00 pm at ESU2 in Fremont; and American Civics on Monday July 13 at 7:00 pm in the Bancroft-Rosalie School Library.   

In new business, the board approved participation in the Tribal Broadband Collaborative which the stipulation that the technology will have a three-year guarantee and approved the purchase of a Gas Convection Steamer for the kitchen. The Board reviewed the Preliminary Budget for 2020-21 with a General Fund increase of $110,000 and a revenue increase of $75,000 in state aid and $40,000 in federal funds, requiring no increase in the school tax asking.

In other new business, the Board approved the sick leave bank request for two teachers; accepted the resignation of Dr. Caleb Nihira; and offered a teaching to Dr. Amanda McCullough to teach Music.

The Board authorized Dr. Cerny to organize a Return To School Committee composed of school staff, board members, parents, and students for the purpose of developing a plan for starting school in the Fall. The committee will meet weekly in June and as needed in July and August.

The Board gave first approval to new Board policies 0443.41- Concussions Return To Learn Protocol and 0580.2 Classroom Environment, and amended Board Policies on Extracurricular activity, Search and Seizure, Student Discipline, Ceremonies, Annual Report, and Safe Pupil Transportation Plan.