Wednesday, April 3, 2019

School Policy on Recording of Others

We have had issues with students taking pictures or recording others at school without their permission.
Here is the school policy- prohibiting recording without permission.
 Board Policy 0601.2
 Recording of Others To ensure the privacy and confidentiality of student information, no person is authorized to record or transmit any sound or image of any person (including themselves) without the prior consent or authorization of either (1) the person or persons being recorded or whose image or sound is being transmitted or (2) the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee. This prohibition applies to all persons, including staff, students and community members, regardless of the content or context of the image or sound; however, this provision shall not apply to District-sponsored athletic or activity events where the focus of the recording or transmission is on the student performances or activity. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit the recording of an Individualized Education Program meeting if the recording is necessary to ensure that the parent understands the IEP or the IEP process or to implement other parental rights guaranteed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. First Approval June 11, 2018 Final Approval July 9, 2018 Legal Reference: Neb. Rev. Stat. 86-290
