The 2017 Nebraska School Activities Association
Representative Assembly met Friday April 7, 2017 at the NSAA Office in Lincoln,
Representing District III (Northeast Nebraska) were Jay Bellar (Battle Creek),
Rocky Ruhl (Wayne), Mike Sanne (Clearwater-Orchard), Jon Cerny
(Bancroft-Rosalie), Chuck Ross (Wisner-Pilger), and Bob Hayes (Ponca).
The Representative Assembly voted on the proposals that
passed 3 of the 6 districts at their winter district meetings. It takes 31
votes to pass the assembly (51 voting delegates).
Home School Participation- Passed
The proposal to change the eligibility requirement for home
school students to participate in activities at the local public school passed.
Home school students will be required to be enrolled in ten credit hours a
semester (two classes). Previously home school students had to be enrolled 4
classes a semester to be eligible.
Classification for football based on boy enrollment- Passed
Success Factor (Public/Private Committee Proposal)- Failed
This proposal would require successful schools to move up a
class based on a formula.
Fall Sports starting date-
All Fall sports will start the same date. This will move up
the start of fall practices one week for volleyball and cross-country.
Swimming practices- Passed
Allowing students to enter 3 events at District speech in
class D- Failed
Removing the terms Men’s and Women’s from the music
contests- Passed