Tuesday, March 15, 2016

School Board Summary

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board news

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, March 14, 2016 at 7:30 pm in Bancroft.
Superintendent Cerny presented the February transportation report and the NRCSA Spring Conference. Bancroft-Rosalie School had their 21st Century Learning Community grant recommended for funding to the Nebraska Department of Education with final approval in April. The grant is for $80,000 the first two years and smaller amounts the following three years.
Dr. Cerny also reported that he is a finalist for the United States Department of Education 
Principal Fellowship. There will be three part-time Fellow’s selected from the 500+ applicants. 
The Fellows serve as an advisory group for the United States Department of Education. 
The time commitment is on average 5 hours per week with most work done at the home school site.

Principal Sjuts presented the winter and spring activities summary and spring sports 

Lauren Zuhlke, Ashten Reil and Kassi Browning, representing the senior class, received 
approval from the board for their Senior Trip to Kansas City in May.

Mrs. Hennig discussed the Spanish Club trip to Puerto Rico in the summer of 2017.

In new business the board named the Superintendent authorized representative for federal, 
state and local programs, approved a contract with Roxanne Raasch for driver education, approved the BRLD Athletic COOP Administration Guidelines and the BRLD Coaching 
Handbook, offered one year Speech Language Technician position to Tracey Neumann, and approved Cory Meyer as Head Boys Basketball Coach and Rod Peters as Head Girls Basketball Coach for BRLD. The remaining winter and spring coaching positions will be assigned when teaching staffs are completed.             

The board went into executive session to discuss the evaluation and hiring of teachers.