Friday, March 25, 2016

Nominate our school for the Grow Rural Education Grant Program to fund a Makerspace

America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education is back again to partner with farmers to nominate Bancroft-Rosalie Community School to compete for $10,000 to enhance math and science education.

Nominating our school district is easy! Farmers simply fill out a nomination on the link below or call 1-877-267-3332 to make your nomination.

This year the school is requesting funds to set up a Makerspace for the afterschool program. 
A Makerspace is a place where students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore and discover using a variety of tools and materials. Maker movement advocates have identified several common elements of successful Makerspaces:
They promote learning through play and experimentation.
They’re cross-disciplinary, with elements of art, science and craftsmanship.
They offer tools and materials that encourage students to create rather than consume.

There will be six Makerspace activity areas- 3D Design and Printing, Computer Programming, Electronics, Building, Robotics, and Crafts. Each area will have materials available for all different learning levels from kindergarten through 8th grade.