Speaking starts at 8:15, so if you want to cheer on your favorite Panther speechies, we'd love to see you.
Also, Barb Wegner is making her famous French toast, so even if you aren't a speech fan, come on up for some great food.
Flight A Events: OID, Humorous, Persuasive, Serious
Flight B Events: Duet, Extemporaneous, Informative, Poetry, Entertainment
7:45--Coaches meeting
8:15--Round 1, Flight A
8:30--Prelim. Extemp. Draw
9:30--Round 1, Flight B
10:30--Round 2, Flight A
11:45--Round 2, Flight B (no extemp.)
1:15--Finals Flight A + Duet
2:30--Finals Flight B (no duet)
Awards ASAP (hoping to be DONE by 4:30)