Friday, June 6, 2014

Panther Pad Project

The Panther Pad will be a non-profit after-school program for K-6 graders, with other special events
offered for older students at other times. It will be managed by Bancroft-Rosalie School. The plan
is to purchase the Country Pub building on Main Street in Bancroft and locate
the Panther Pad there.

Operating from 3:30 until 7:00 p.m. weekdays, with special added hours on days schools
dismisses early, the center will provide supervision and activities for youth attending. These hours were chosen after students interviewed all local daycare providers in Bancroft. Eighty percent of the daycare owners agreed that after-school care would not diminish their current business, whereas all-day services might cut into their profits. Our goal is to provide a service for local residents that does not interfere with established businesses.

The Panther Pad Cooperative will be funded from grant dollars and user fees. No local property money will be used. Public and Private organizations will be contacted to join the cooperative in support of the Panther Pad. Start-up costs will be between $40,000 and $80,000. Some grant funds have already been obtained, but 2-3 other grants will be submitted over the summer to obtain additional funding.

Initial services provided by the after-school center will include supervised activities for K-6
children, such as homework assistance, table games, board games, computer use, reading,
and any other activities as selected with the help of surveys conducted of students K-6
and 7-12. After-school snacks will also be offered. With limited daycare facilities in the area
and some giving preference to full-time clients, our center will assist parents by providing a
fun and safe option for students after school. Transportation will be provided from the school to the Panther Pad each day and Rosalie students will have the opportunity to ride the after-practice bus back to Rosalie. Other services may be added depending on the need and available volunteers.

We anticipate anywhere from 20-40 students will attend the Panther Pad each day after school. Most will be waiting for a ride home from a working parent or an older sibling involved in school activities.