Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board Meeting summary

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, June 9, 2014 at 7:30 pm
in Bancroft. Superintendent Cerny presented the May transportation report and
information on Special Education compliance.

In old business, the board discussed and approved the Panther Pad Project and
Interlocal Agreement. The Panther Pad will be an after-school program for students
in the former Country Pub building. The Panther Pad will be a separate legal entity
and financed through grantfunds and user fees.

The board reorganization committee discussed their meeting with the Lyons-Decatur
committee. The committee’s talked about cooping junior high sports, starting as soon
as they upcoming school year. Bancroft-Rosalie Board consensus was to be open to
cooping junior high sports for this school year and after the athletic directors from both
schools meet, to place it on the agenda for the July Board meeting.
In new business, the board reviewed the Food Service Program; approved Morrow,
Davies, and Toelle as the school auditor; gave first approval to 3 new board policies
and five amended policies as recommended by legal council; approved the use of the
sick leave bank by two teachers; and approved the purchase of Follett Destiny
computer software for the school library.