Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May School Board Summary

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board news
The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, May 12, 2014 at 7:30 pm in Bancroft. Superintendent Cerny presented the April transportation report, expected enrollment for 2014-15, NeSA assessment results, Panther Pad Project update, Bancroft Park Improvements Grant and review of Superintendents contract.
Principal Sjuts reported on semester tests, senior sneak trip, meeting with Lyons-Decatur athletic director about cooping junior high sports, and graduation.
In old business the board approved some additional extra-duty assignments for 2014-15 and the addition of a Fall musical.
In new business, the board reviewed the preliminary budget for 2014-15, summer training and workshops, and set wages for bus drivers and classified staff substitutes. The board approved the purchase of a new copy machine for the elementary, eight new band instruments, and up to $20,000 for a new distance learning cart and participation in a RUS grant application through ESU 2 to assist in funding the cart.
The board went into executive session to discuss student personnel.