Tuesday, January 15, 2013

School Board meeting summary

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board news

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm in Bancroft. Board officers elected for 2013 were Doug Reil- president; Naomi Brummond- vice president; Pat Browning - secretary; and Mike Nottlemann- treasurer.

Superintendent Cerny presented the December transportation report, upcoming conferences, the Educator Wellness Program, tardy policy, and college credit history classes. Principal Sjuts reported honor roll.

In old Business, the board approved the interlocal agreement for baseball and reviewed the school strategic plan for communication.

In new business, President Reil appointed the following board committees:

1. Negotiations – Reil, Hansen, Browning
2. Citizenship/Instruction/Americanism - Brummond, Bonneau, Nottlemann
3. Personnel – Brummond, Reil, Browning
4. Buildings and Grounds – Nottlemann and Bonneau
5. Transportation – Bonneau and Hansen
6. Insurance - Brummond and Reil
7. Reorganization- Hansen and Browning

The board accepted the bid from Diode Technologies to install a security system on the front entrance of the school.

 President Reil also appointed Jon Bailey, Bev Zwygart, and Marjorie Vogt to three year terms on the Bancroft-Rosalie Educational Foundation.

The Bancroft-Rosalie Education Association was recognized as the exclusive bargaining agent for certified non-supervisory staff for 2014-15.

The board went into executive session to discuss personnel.