Here are the formula needs for 2012-13 State Aid at Bancroft-Rosalie.
Basic funding (See last weeks blog for how this is determined) $2,605,823.87
Poverty Allowance (Based on number of students qualifying for Free and Reduced Lunch $77,642.18
Limited English Proficiency Allowance (Based on number qualifying) $34,000
Elementary Class Size Allowance (Based on number of K-3 students in class with 20 or less students) $120,904.86
Summer School Allowance (Based on number of summer school students and hours attended) $17,943.82
Special Receipts Allowance (Receipts for special education related services) $172,486
Transportation Allowance (Reimbursement for student transportation to and from school) $58,943.47
Distance Education Allowance (For Internet and other telecommunications) $37,088.22
Instructional Time Allowance (For students attending school more hours than the state average) $162,100.29
Local Choice Adjustment (Reduction because student enrollment is less than 300 students) $17,534.52
Total Calculated Formula Needs $3,269,398.19