Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parent survey Thursday Night

Parents will be asked to complete a short 7 question survey about the school at Thursday nights Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Parents can Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree or have No Opinion to the following seven statements.

1. Teachers at this school really care about the students.

2. This school has high academic standards for all students.

3. The administration communicates well with parents about the instructional program.

4. The school is inviting to all parents.

5. The subjects taught to my child in school are important ones for their future.

6. Teachers in this school use their classroom time very effectively, with little wasted time.

7. Teachers give my child prompt and specific feedback on the quality of their classroom work.

These seven questions correlate to the seven indicators of effective schools that have been identified through research.