Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Credit Recovery Program

Credit recovery is the education term used to describe students retaking classes that they failed. Many classes are offered only one period making scheduling difficult and limiting the students choices. This year B-R is implementing an on-line credit recovery program called Odysseyware. Since it is web-based, students can work on it anytime and anywhere they have computer and internet access.B-R has used other on-line courses like Plato and A+, but they were not web-based and the coursework was not very challenging. Odysseyware has a rigorous curriculum, the work is challenging for the students and in some cases may be more difficult than the class they failed because they are graded solely on the tests and quizzes from the program. The homework and participation in class do not factor into the grade.A few students are using the program right now.
Students need to know that they are responsible for determining how quickly they progress through the lessons. If they choose to put off working on the Odysseyware course, they may never finish and will receive no credit. Students can do the assignments at home, but the tests and quizzes must be taken at school with an adult monitoring. Judy Ross has accepted the responsibility for serving as the adult monitor, with technical assistance from Joy Nolting, Ronda Ras and Anita Bray. We are hoping students find that it is better to work hard and pass classes the first time.
Odysseyware also offers the opportunity for adults who have not graduated high school to earn a high school diploma. B-R is offering this option to anyone in the community. If you are interested, talk to me about setting up a schedule. Mrs. Ross can be flexible in arranging for test times.