Monday, September 23, 2019

Wednesday: Early Dismissal for Relocation Drill

Parents: On Wednesday, 9/25/19 we will be having a School Evacuation/Relocation Drill. The drill will begin at 2:30. The scenario is as though there is a dangerous gas leak in the school that required us to immediately evacuate the school building. All students and staff will need to evacuate the school when the announcement is made. Once outside safely, staff will need to account for all of their students before leading them to the relocation site, which is St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Once everyone is there, we are asking parents to please come inside and pick up their children from the church, if at all possible. Please be aware that before any students are released to adults, they will have to fill out a reunification information form & these adults will need to be listed on the students’ Emergency Forms that are filled out at the beginning of the year. Students can be picked up at 3:15. Elementary students can be picked up by the East doors of the church while 7-12 students will need to be picked up on the North side. Students who drove themselves to school or walked to school will be released at the conclusion of the drill. Students whose parents do not show up to pick them up, will come back to school and go to the after-school program (please make sure your child is signed up ahead of time) or ride the bus to Rosalie. We appreciate your patience and support in helping us make this drill successful. If you have any questions, please call Mike Sjuts at the school.