Community School
of Education Meeting Agenda
August 12, 2019 --- 7:30 p.m. in Bancroft
Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Open Meetings Act
4. Read and approve minutes of the July 8, 2019
board meeting.
5. Review Agenda
6. Public Hearing
7. Treasurer’s Report
A. Approve
the Bills
B. Financial
8. Administrator’s Reports:
A. Superintendent’s Report
B. Principal’s
C. Board Committee Reports
1. Negotiations 2. Citizenship/Instruction/ Americanism
3. Personnel 4. Buildings and Grounds.
5. Transportation. 6. Insurance.
7. Reorganization 8. Pathways To Tomorrow
9. Old Business:
A. Motion for Final
Approval of new policies
0144 Standing Committee on American Civics
0366 Wage Information
0411.7 Military Families
0438 Extracurricular Activities
0439 School Dances
0449.1 Military Recruiters
Motion for final approval of amended board policies
0446 Student Discipline Policy
0460 Drug and Substance Use and Prevention
0527.1 Curriculum- Assessments
0612 Tobacco Policy
0742.4 Procurement Plan- School Food Authorities
10. New Business:
A. Board review of budget for 2019-20
B. Motion to set Activity admission rate-
Adults $5 and Students $4.
C. Motion to approve elementary, secondary,
activity, and staff handbooks for 2019-2020
D. Motion to offer teaching contract to
Caleb Nihira
E. Motion to purchase 2019 International Bus and accept the School Bus Rebate offer to
reimburse 50% of the base purchase cost.
E. Motion to purchase 2019 International Bus and accept the School Bus Rebate offer to
reimburse 50% of the base purchase cost.
Executive Session-
12. Future Planning- Next meeting- Monday,
September 9, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment.