Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Paraprofessional position at Bancroft-Rosalie School

Bancroft-Rosalie School is seeking applications for a Paraprofessional. The Paraprofessional may include supervising of students at recess or in the lunchroom and working with student’s one-on-one and in small groups.

The applicant must meet the federal “highly qualified” requirements. This can be obtained by completing Project Para at the school. A Bachelor or Associate Degree which would qualify for a local substitute certificate is preferred.

This position is for 185 days per year. The starting wage is dependent upon qualifications and experience. Benefits include sick leave, personal leave, and an hourly amount to health insurance.

This position is available January 21 and will be filled quickly.

Interested persons send a letter of application and resume to Dr. Jon Cerny at the Bancroft-Rosalie School office in Bancroft, NE. 403-648-3336.