Thursday, July 19, 2018

BR students attend Human Performance Project in Nebraska

Four BR students (Luke Kramer, Tyra Bonneau, Micah Henschen and Kelsey Larsen- pictured with former Philadelphia Eagle Brandon Bair) attended a three day training in Lincoln this week.

The American Athletic Institute's Human Performance Project in Nebraska is a project geared to prevention strategies endorsed by schools across the nation as a best-practice education tool for area junior high, high school and college students in all activities. The five-year, nationally recognized program is designed to confront and curb the chemical health issues and associated problems that face today's students. 
Students learned the science behind athletic training for maximum performance- 
- Proper nutrition
- Plenty of sleep
- Avoidance of drugs, alcohol, supplements, and energy drinks

Mr. Sovde will be completing the coaches training in Lake Placid New York in August.