Technology has changed the way we live our lives. Within five years it is estimated that 80% of the adults in the world will have a Smartphone with data capabilities. There are several areas that advancing rapidly because of technology innovations:
Online Education
Food Science
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Self Driving Cars
Computerized Medicine
Clean Energy
Space Exploration
All of these areas will need employees with a high level of technology skill. Bancroft-Rosalie School provides opportunities for students to explore their interest in three high skill, high need, high technology career areas- Engineering, Bio-science and Computer Science.
Mr. Buller's Physics class is an Introduction to Engineering curriculum. Mrs. Henry's Anatomy and Physiology is a Human Body Systems curriculum, and students can take a Computer Science program in the afternoons at Beemer, which teaches computer coding and app development among other topics.
We are doing our best to provide opportunities for students to explore technology related career fields and obtain skills that will prepare them for college and careers.