Friday, April 15, 2016

ACT like test to replace NeSA for 11th grade students

The Nebraska legislature gave final approval to a bill authorizing a college readiness test, like the ACT or SAT test, to replace the current NeSA test for 11th grade students. If the governor signs the bill it will change the test preparation for high school juniors.

Currently our 11th grade students are preparing for both the ACT and the NeSA. ACT tests Reading, English, Math, Science and Writing and is given in one day. NeSA tests English Language Arts, Math, Science and Writing. The ACT is an important test for students pursuing post-secondary education at a two or four year college. The NeSA is intended to hold schools accountable for students performance on the state standards. Student motivation to do well on the NeSA is minimal.

This will be a good change. Now we can focus on preparing students for their future, not testing things in their past.