Friday, September 4, 2015

B-R staff selected to attend National CareerTech Vision Conference in November

"The Partnerships for Innovation Leadership Council is pleased to share that your National Conference Scholarship Application was approved!"This good news means that a team of Career and Technical Education from B-R will be traveling to New Orleans November 19-22 for the National CareerTech Vision Conference. Those attending will be Dr Jon Cerny (Administrator), Michelle Hennig (Business), Joy Nolting (Communication and Information Systems), TJ Hilsinger (Industrial Technology) and Lyons-Decatur teacher Keven Anderson (Agriculture). The purpose for attending the conference is to hear examples of how schools are linking curricula to work-based experiences to ensure students obtain the skills they need to thrive in today's economy. Career Cluster-focused sessions will address organizing high-quality CTE programs of study and collaboration between secondary and postsecondary to provide multiple pathways to college and career readiness.