Thursday, April 3, 2014

B-R School Professional Development 2014-15

The B-R administration met this week with the Professional Development personnel at ESU2 to talk about needs for next year. We have five areas we are looking at.

1. School Improvement.
The school improvement committee (TJ Hilsinger, Breanna Beutler, Anita Bray, Michelle Hennig) collected school data and the staff looked at the data and identified strengths and areas for improvement. Staff input will be tabulated by the committee and the results will be shared with staff on April 16 following the early dismissal. The next step is for the staff to set goals for improvement.

Next year-  the staff will develop and implement action plans to address the school goals.

2. Technology.
- Continue to increase student use of computers in 7-12 classrooms.
- Start the process to convert from textbooks to digital books.
- Considering using IPad program, Discovery Education Science Techbook, for elementary Science curriculum.

3. Instruction.
- Continue Mastery Learning K-6 programs in Reading, Language and Spelling, and K-2 in Math, and Saxon Math in grades 3-Algebra.
- Grades 3-6 Science curriculum taught on IPads.

4. Data
- Implement the State Pilot Data Dashboard Project. Staff will meet in Professional Learning Communities/Data Teams to look at student data on a weekly/biweekly basis.

5. Response To Intervention. Three areas- Reading, Math and Behavior
Bancroft-Rosalie Elementary has decision rules in place for K-6 reading. We are one of the few schools in the state that have received tentative approval of their decision rules from the State RTI Consortium.
Continue to improve the coordination and transition from K-6 Reading and Language to 7-12 Reading and Language, use data to inform instruction, and identify interventions.

Curriculum is in place, now we need to think about decision rules for K-6. The State RTI consortium is focused on reading, so we are on our own for this.
Using data data and identifying interventions.

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports PBIS
We are a PBIS II school. Probably one more year at PBIS II depending on how staff surveys. Goal is to move to PBIS III level of implementation.