Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nebraska Performance Accountability System NePAS

The Nebraska Department of Education will be releasing the results of last year's state assessment results as part of the Nebraska Performance Accountability System (NePAS).

This year each school will be ranked in several categories. The grade level configurations are:

Elementary Grade-Level Configuration 
Grades 3-5 
Middle Grade-Level Configuration 
Grades 6-8 
Secondary Grade-Level Configuration 
Grades 9-12  (Only 11th grade takes the state assessments) 

The following will be ranked for Elementary (3-5), Middle School (6-8) and Secondary (9-12)

NeSA Reading 
 Average Score 
NeSA Math 
Average Score 

NeSA Science 
Average Score 
NeSA Writing 
Average Score 

NeSA Reading  

Difference of Average Score from last year

NeSA Math 
Difference of Average Score from last year

NeSA Science 
Difference of Average Score from last year 
NeSA Writing 
Difference of Average Score from last year 

Growth (not secondary)
NeSA Reading 

Average of Differences in Scores- same students 

NeSA Math 
Average of Differences in Scores- same students 

NeSA Reading 

NeSA Math 

NeSA Science 

NeSA Writing 

Secondary will also be ranked by Graduation Rate.