Friday, September 28, 2012

Proposal to allow Class d athletes to participate in more than one sport per season

Here is the proposal I submitted for consideration this Fall. It will be voted on by Class D schools only.

Currently students may participate in only one sport per season (Fall, Winter, Spring).

The exception shall be for students participating in Class D high schools with local administrators and school board determining eligible participation in more than one (1) interscholastic sport per season at that high school.

Cost Analysis of Proposal: There will be no additional cost to the NSAA.

Rationale for the proposed change:
This proposal is designed to assist small schools in providing sports offerings for students. This proposal was modeled after the Washington State Activities Association policy. The most likely concurrent sports seasons would be Fall for girls sports (golf-volleyball, golf-softball, golf-cross country) and Spring for boys sports (golf-track or golf-baseball).
Sample school policies, procedures, and participant agreements are included with the proposal. In the examples, the student must designate a primary sport that would take priority regarding practice and competitions.