Monday, April 23, 2012

NeSA Reading testing results

Bancroft-Rosalie School completed the NeSA reading assessments today. There are three students absent that will need to take their second test session tomorrow. The cut scores (number of right answers to be proficient) have not been set for this year yet, so I am using last year's cut scores to judge our results. The cut scores will not change much from year to year.

Based on last year's cut scores, here are the reading results for each grade-

Grade 3     15/18     83%
Grade 4     17/24     71%
Grade 5     11/18     61%
Grade 6     17/24     71%
Grade 7     16/18     89%   Three students left to test
Grade 8     13/19     68%
Grade 11   12/14     86%
I am happy with the results, especially the 3rd and 11th grades.

The  state has set the following percentages as the minimum levels for schools to make Annual Yearly Progress (AYP):
Elementary     78%
Middle School     80%
High School     79%

These percentages have to be met for each grade level, and also for males/females, special education, free and reduced lunch, and ethnicity.

It will be difficult for schools to met AYP percentages for all of these groups.