Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Results of October parent survey

Parents were given a survey during Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. Here are the survey results.

Safe and orderly environment
Teachers at this school really care about the students
Strongly agree 31
Agree 18
Undecided 6
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 1

High expectations for success
This school has high academic standards for all students
Strongly agree 27
Agree 23
Undecided 3
Disagree 3
Strongly Disagree 0

Instructional leadership
The administration communicates well with parents about the School's instructional program.
Strongly agree 19
Agree 22
Undecided 9
Disagree 6
Strongly Disagree 0

Home-school relations
The school is inviting to all parents
Strongly agree 24
Agree 23
Undecided 8
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 1

Clear and focused mission
The subjects taught to my child in school are important ones for their future.
Strongly agree 30
Agree 22
Undecided 3
Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 0

Opportunity to learn/Time on task
Teachers in the school use their classroom time very effectively with little wasted time.
Strongly agree 20
Agree 22
Undecided 8
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 0

Frequent monitoring of student progress.
Teachers give my child prompt and immediate feedback on the quality of their classroom work.
Strongly agree 19
Agree 22
Undecided 12
Disagree 3
Strongly Disagree 0

Highest marks were for caring about students and subjects taught are important. Lowest marks were administrator communication with parents about the instructional program.

I guess I need to do something to increase the number of parents that read this blog, because this is my avenue for sharing information about the instructional program. Please help spread the word.