Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Health insurance rates increase 0% for next year

It is hard to believe, but it is true. The school health insurance premiums for employees will not increase next year. Here is part of the news release from the Educator Health alliance:

"There will be no increase in health insurance premium rates for groups and early retirees participating in the Educators Health Alliance (EHA) for the 2011-12 plan year, beginning September 1, 2011, according to EHA Board of Directors Chairman Dr. Dan E. Ernst.“This is great news for school districts and school employees across Nebraska,” said Ernst."

"Additionally, the EHA announced that the premium rates for the 2012-13 year, beginning September 1,2012, will be limited to an increase of no more than 4 percent from the current year rates."

This is good news for school budgets and taxpayers.