Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2nd Annual Bancroft Beerfest "on tap" for July 31st

Beer lovers unite. Planning has begun for the 2nd annual Neihardt/Bancroft Beer Festival, scheduled for Saturday night, July 31st from 6:30 till 8:30 (or 9). The Country Pub will again be the site, and we may have to seek more space there depending on how many breweries, etc., participate.

Beerfest is a fund-raiser to help support the John G. Neihardt Historical Site in Bancroft. We hope to have a beer-making demonstration by Pastor Hale again this year.

Tickets will go on sale soon. We hope to have good community support.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My new Prius

I finally came to the conclusion that Carol and I needed to replace one of our cars. The 1999 Intrigue had 197550 miles and was occasionally losing power going down the highway. I searched the internet for small cars with good gas mileage and narrowed down to a couple options and then started looking at 0% financing options.

My daughter, Jessi, helped me with the Internet search and found a vehicle that she said was perfect for me. Since she thinks that I am cheap (because I drive vehicles until they fall apart), Jessi recommended the Toyota Prius with an estimated 50 miles per gallon.

I read about the Prius and it did have qualities that I liked. The hybrid engine has both a gas and an electric motor, and the battery charges as the car slows down or when brakes are applied, converting the momentum of the car into electrical energy. A great example of Physics in action.
Toyota convinced me that the sticky accelerator issue is no longer a problem. I contacted dealers through the internet and arrived at a price I felt was a great deal. I had to survive the sales ordeal in which they tried to sell me added warranties and optional equipment that I didn’t want, and they gave me $300 for the Intrigue. I walked out feeling pretty good.

And after four days of driving 330 miles and still having 1/3 of a tank of gas left, I am feeling even better. The car continuously calculates the mileage, and this morning I had gotten 50.2 miles per gallon. Of course I always drive with the economy mode button selected, instead of power mode, so I sacrifice acceleration for gas mileage. I not only save money, but I am doing my part to reduce reliance on foreign oil. Unfortunately, Toyota is a Japanese business, but they have manufacturing plants in the United States.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bancroft-Rosalie receives NSAA Sportsmanship Award

Bancroft-Rosalie School is one of ten schools selected as the first recipients of the Farmers School Sportsmanship Program. The annual award is designed to recognize high schools that establish and follow a quality sportsmanship program within their athletic activities. Farmers Insurance is the sponsor of the sportsmanship program.

Other schools selected for the awards include: Arapahoe, Gothenburg, Lincoln Lutheran, Loup City, Milford, Norfolk Catholic, Ralston, Seward, and Stanton.

The school will receive the Farmers School Sportsmanship banner to hang in the new gym. A Farmers representative will present the award banner at an all-school assembly this Fall.

Congrats Bancroft-Rosalie students and coaches for your emphasis on sportsmanship. Hopefully this banner in the gym will help to quiet two bothersome groups- 1) those who come to games and holler at officials, and 2) those officials who criticize our school because of #1.

Quote from Coach Peck, “The biggest turn around in sports history was when the entire B-R crowd was thrown out of the Wakefield gym at a junior varsity tournament and two weeks later the school wins the state sportsmanship trophy.” Funny, but true. Unfortunately we have to live with the overreaction of an inexperienced, uncertified Wakefield basketball referee who lost his temper when some members of the crowd were vocal in their disagreement with a call. It is embarrassing, and the students and faculty, led by Mr. Hulstein, have worked hard to emphasize sportsmanship and elevate our school image to where we want it to be.

Sportsmanship has never been a problem with the students. They have exhibited great sportsmanship and are excellent examples for the adults.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bancroft-Rosalie School Board News

The Bancroft-Rosalie Board of Education met Monday, June 14, 2010 at 7:30 pm in Bancroft.
Superintendent Cerny discussed high school rodeo, the CBC Rural Communities program and the Rosalie gym rental policy. Principal Sjuts presented honor roll and the 2009-10 discipline report.

In old business, the board approved board policy 0591 Dating Violence..

In new business, the board reviewed the Food Service Program, a preliminary General Fund budget for 2010-11, and the budget for summer training and workshops. The board approved the purchase of desks for the English room, textbooks for advanced math classes and a miter saw for Industrial Technology. Initial approval was given to new board policies 0362.2 Wage and Deduction Information, 0442.1 Student Health Inspections and 0741.1 Contracting For Services, and to amended policies 0158 Minutes of Meetings, 0411.1 Student Residence, Admission, Contracting for Educational Services, 0412 Ages of Attendance, 0412.2 Mandatory Ages of Attendance, 0413 Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism, 0527.1 Assessments- Academic Content Standards, and 0708 Records Management and Disposition.

In other new business, the board approved Morrow, Davies and Toelle as the school auditor, approved the negotiated agreement with teachers for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years, approved the sale of the 2002 Dodge Ram 15 passenger van, approved Andy Welsh, Clay Haymart, and Steve Suhr as baseball coaches, and approved the amended 403b plan.

The board gave the go ahead to proceed with a cooperative agreement with Pender for golf and voted to offer the school nurse contract to Linda Munderloh.

Discussion items included naming an athletic director, volleyball uniforms, and emergency procedures.

The board went into executive session to discuss personnel.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Servers needed for Trenton Schmeckpeper Benefit

Twelve servers are needed to help with the Spaghetti Benefit this Saturday in the Bancroft Community Building. The benefit is for Trenton Schmeckpeper, a fifth grade student at Bancroft-Rosalie School, who is being treated for a rare disease.

Sign-up to help serve through the Bancroft-Rosalie School office.

We need six workers from 10:30 am - 12:30, and six workers from 12:30-2:00 pm.

Please help if you can.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer weight room hours

Summer weight room hours

Monday through Friday 7:00- 9:00 am

If you cannot make it during these times, please make arrangement with Dr. Cerny.

Football player attendance-

Week 1

Jalen Flock 2

Ethan Sorensen 2

Brady Petersen 1

This needs to improve immediately. If not, additional pre-season practices will be scheduled.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summary of the school year presented to alumni

Here are some Bancroft-Rosalie School statistics that I shared at the Rosalie and Bancroft alumni banquets this past weekend.
The last student day was this past Thursday. Our high school students received 1237 hours of instruction this year. The state average is 1150 hours and the minimum number is 1080. Our teachers are working hard as we try to maximize academic learning time.
The Bancroft-Rosalie School K-12 enrollment is 273 students. The pre-school has 31. The largest class is the 10th grade (32) and the smallest are the freshmen (16). There were 23 graduates this year and 22 of them are planning on attending college. Next year, the kindergarten will have 22 students. The enrollment has been consistent. Sixty-two of the students are minorities and 65 option enrollment into the district. Forty-one percent of the students are on free or reduced lunches.
Curriculum change
This was the first year of the Health Science curriculum. The three course sequence was 1) Health Science, 2) Medical Terminology, and 3) Certified Nurse’s Assistant. We hope to add an EMT class in the future. Three students completed the CNA class, all three passed the state test and have been offered summer employment.
The Powerdrive team won state championships in both the standard and advanced classes. The school added softball this year (co-oping with Wisner-Pilger) and baseball (co-oping with Pender). We were Class C for the first and only time, and teams qualified for state in Football and Volleyball. Two students placed at the state track meet.
New for next year
All 9-12 students will be provided MacBooks. Grades 7-8 will have access to netbooks.
A wind turbine will be installed this summer for use by the science classes as part of the Wind For Schools Program.
Wayne State College donated a T-Shirt machine to Bancroft-Rosalie. The machine will be used as part of the Entrepreneurship class.
School Foundation
The Foundation has $40,586. This past year over $11,000 was raised to purchase record boards for Bancroft-Rosalie School athletic records.