Wednesday, March 3, 2010

School Foundation - January meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the January School Foundation Board meeting-

Bancroft-Rosalie Schools Educational Foundation
Thursday, January 28, 2010
7:03 p.m.

President Jon Cerny called the Bancroft-Rosalie School Educational Foundation meeting to order on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 7:03 p.m. Board members present were Lori Archer, Jon Bailey, Jon Cerny, Judy Ross, Laurie Soll, Beverly Zwygart, Patty Wegner and Marjorie Vogt. Board member Naomi Brummond was absent.

A motion was made by Vogt, seconded by Bailey to approve the minutes of the Monday, January 19, 2009 meeting as presented. The minutes were approved.

Lori Archer gave the treasurers report: Checking $100, Savings $2,684 and 3 CD’s totaling $37,836.08 equaling $40,620.86 as of January 28, 2010. Approximately $16,740 was donated in 2009 including $11,100 that went towards the ‘Record Boards’ that are displayed in the commons area. The interest accrued for the year was $119.67. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Wegner to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion was approved.

A motion was made by Vogt, seconded by Wegner to retain the present officers for the following year. The motion was approved.

The Foundation will continue sending a letter to the spokesperson from Bancroft-Rosalie’s honored classes and have them challenge their class to compete against other honored classes to give generously toward the Educational Foundation. The board discussed improved methods to attempt to encourage more of BR’s alumni to help organize, participate and attend the banquet and spend time in the community.

The Board approved the filing of Form 990 tax return for non-profit organizations.

President Cerny asked if there were any changes to the “Educational Foundation” newsletter. There were none.

A motion was made by Wegner, seconded by Bailey to present five $150 scholarships with two alternates to the 2010 graduates with at least one of the five being given to a student attending a community or a vocational school. The motion was approved. The scholarship committee consists of Bailey, Wegner, and Zwygart.

A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Wegner to adjourn. The motion was approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.