Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have talking with an architect about what it would cost to put together a concept drawing for a possible classroom addition to the north of the school gym. The addition would include 3 classrooms on the lower level, allowing us to split up to two elementary classes and have an extra secondary classroom. The lower level would also have two office areas for the speech therapist and school nurse. The upper level would have a performance stage with a 38 foot opening and two small dressing/locker rooms.
A preliminary cost esimate is $1.5 million dollars. The tax impact would be a tax levy increase of 5 cents for 20 years (approximately $90,000 per year). The current levy for the school this year is 97 cents. If the levy drops beloe 95 cents, the state will start reducing state aid. The school bond will be paid off in 2015. The bond payment is $375,000 on average for the next six years.
The state aid situation is stable for Bancroft-Rosalie at the present time. The changes that are being proposed should not impact our district very much, if at all.
With construction costs and interest rates at a very low level, this would be an opportune time to get additional space that would improve education at a very reasonable price.
With a concept map, the school board and district patrons would be able to see exactly what they would be able to get for their money. With this information, we can make a choice that is best for everyone involved.